Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Taxidermy Museum of Australia, aka The Australia Museum aka The Mothball Museum aka The Worst Museum ever!

Today is a horribly rainy day. It is the kind of day where you have to force yourself out of bed because you are sure the clock can not be right because it is still so dark and dreary. It is the kind of day where if you do not have small kids you just curl up in front of the tele or with a good book, crossword or anything else cozy and inside-ish. The kind of day made for napping as an extreme sport. Well, when you have two y.o twins and you live in a small hotel that kind of day is the stuff porn is made of. Pretty much it is never gonna happen to you, so forget it and move on. So we flip through our trusty books and find that we have not seen the Australia Museum. To all of our future visitors: thank me now, I have just saved you $12 you do not have to go. We walk in through the wheelchair pram entrance which is on the side of the building and it is none so welcoming. It is like oh you can not use stairs, I guess come on in but you have to come in by the dumpster. This is a little bit of a hot button for me. Life should be more accessible to EVERYONE regardless of their ability to climb a stair. The access does not have to be identical but it has to be comparable or equal.  I am fortunate that one day, my kids if God continues to bless them, will run up the stairs but for some this will never be a reality and they should be able to enjoy things as well. ANYWAY TIRADE on equal access over, sorry. It steams me up!

After I got over the entrance thing, I knew the second the door opened I was gonna hate it, the scent of moth balls hit you in the face like they have the Moth Ball Automatic Release device. But, my boys are there so I have to put on a brave face. I think of my courageous MIL who does not care for animals but enjoyed the petting zoo with us b/c the boys like it. I think, I can do this! I can! I think I will not live up to my rep that I do not like museums, I will like this! Come on, Smile, look like you love this! I tried, I did,  but it was awful, really awful. Here is a summary of the museum: It smelled like moth balls( I did not realize that moth balls were not only a secret of Gmas everywhere but also of museum curators), it was too hot then too cold, there was a room of skeletons(ick) and then literally the rest of the museum floors 1-3 was taxidermy. They would "church it up" and put it in different sections and try and call it different stuff but it was all taxidermy all the time. Just a bunch of stuffed dead animals EVERYWHERE! They had a kids zone which seemed promising. I will tell you at first I was having de ja vu from Mrs Jones 3rd grade field trip 1985 to the Jacksonville Children's Museum b/c it was so old fashioned and so LAME. Literally, they had the bugs in the acrylic little boxes that you could look at with a magnifying glass. If that did not get you revved up they had plastic animals in different sections ala dollar store. Oh, I am forgetting the one huge room that was dedicated to a very very small round table set for 10 with different silverware used around the world. COOL! The kids are gonna love this! Carson tried to leave the kids zone a number of times and told Mike the museum was "borning." So you know your museum is lame when my 2 y.o tells us he did not have fun and the museum was "borning" and he tries to escape from the "kid zone." Another dead give away it sucked was when the boys beg you to ride the elevator or accompany you to the potty b/c both are more fun than the museum. 

So now we are having a proper rainy afternoon. ALL of the boys are napping and I am relaxing with my  buddy the blog! I took a few pics of stuffed dead things, don't worry, I will post soon. 

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