Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Carson Medor Physio Therapist

I can not believe I forgot to blog about this! My SIL Julie reminded me today! As you know Carson broke his arm right before the move. Our last day in Cali/and USA we went to the Medor family Orthopaedic practice and had it x-rayed. Looking good they said but best to stay in the cast for another 7-14 days. The self proclaimed CAST MAN of ORANGE COUNTY(has cast all Medor men at sometime in the last 20 years) came in to look at the cast and immediately proclaimed it inhumane. Well, it was fairly tight and it was starting to rub on of his little fingers but he seemed OK. It is a waterproof cast and he had been swimming nonstop and I was curious to see how the skin was fairing after 3 weeks and....Of course once you hear inhumane you are all in for a new cast, you might as well say yes we will sponsor your new Porsche Dr. FancyPants we will go to any length to help our son.  So they cut off the old inhumane cast, his skin looks PERFECT, they put on a new HUMANE luxurious padded upgraded cast. Car is super brave all is well.
Arrive in Sydney try to set up an appt to have cast removed, this is where it gets tricky, socialized medicine and all. I have condensed this believe it or not. Call Ortho dept at big hospital right by our place, Oh No you can not come here without a referral from a GP OK. Call GP make appt for referral explain what we need to do. OH, you can come here for a referral but we can not cut off the cast, you do that at a Physiotherapist, oh, do they X ray as well, no, you must go somewhere else for that, you will need a referral for that. Do they X ray before or after cast comes off, after, oh what if the Xray determines it should be on, well we re"plaster" it Oh...does the physio look at the Xray, no they send it here and then we determine if you need a referral to the ortho.
Day 8 after new humane luxurious cast by the Cast Man of OC is placed. Car gets fussy on the train moves really quick and his cast flies off, AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!NOOOOOOOO! Is this really happening, Car is scared and will not use his arm. Mike says try and shove it back on, oh that sounds like a plan, Dr. Medor! I try with a light touch, not a shove and I can't get it back on and I am not shoving anything onto a previously fractured wrist! CRAPPO! I calmly put the cast in my purse and pretend it did not happen! A few onlookers are not polite enough to do the same.
Make appt. for next day, they actually could see us that night but Car was a little fried from becoming a physiotherapist at 23 months. Go the Dr. she says she thinks it's good but we should get xray just in case, go to Xray place to make sure, everyone melts, can not get Xray until sat when Daddy is around for support. get xray done, they send xray to Dr, she comes to the phone when I call right away! she says looks pretty good you can see "angulation" but it is healing properly have it xrayed again when he is 5 all should be well! Oh... have it xrayed again so soon in 3 years, aren't we being a tad aggressive!

A few things:
1. Car's skin looked worse after 8 days in new fancy cast than it did in old inhumane cast.
2. We are not on Medicare here, (all Aussies are they look at you like a pirranha when you say you are not) we are not eligible b/c of our visa. We pay out of pocket and then submit, I was really nervous at the xray place, how much will this be I ask? thirty three eighty she says, I think OH NO $3380.00, I ask again, saying thirty three dollars and eighty cents to try and take the positive approach, it is only $33.80. WOW, I tricked em into that one huh?
3. Everyone here sees a GP first for everything, you only see a pediatrician on referral. GP visit for two kids with no insurance $65.00.
4. GP came out to get us herself, no nurses to be seen.
5. Exam room is also her office, so one half desk computer other half exam table etc (all I could think was how dirty your computer and stuff could get). It also looked like Louie Pasteur may have also practiced medicine out of that very same room, complete with glass bottles labeled with words I have never heard.
6. After hours care is by HOUSE CALLS FO' REAL!!! THIS IS COOL!
7. Dr also makes house calls on her lunch hour!

I really do live in 1955 and I think I kinda like it!

1 comment:

  1. Allison:
    Mom turned me on to this wonderful spot and the next generation Erma Bombeck!! I loved reading it and, of course, admire your cool and competence as usual. I do not know where you find the time with everything on your plate, but please keep it coming!! Fond good wishes...nancy
