Friday, September 24, 2010

Toto we are not in Kansas

People are crazy friendly and nice and helpful, it is beautiful, it is CLEAN, the subway is spotless! Eat your heart out NYC Subway or Marta...not one homeless person was using the train for a hotel! No smells of crazys asking you for money, singing, dancin, cursin, harassin are all strictly prohibited!!!

Most people stop and offer to help if you look like you need it in anyway, lost, trouble with pram(stroller)
The students wear the cutest/craziest uniforms EVER! Cutest on the little ones, unfortunately the uniforms do not change for the high schoolers. Not sure if this image will actually appear but trust me, these uniforms would have you beat up for sure in the States, this uniform literally was on the train with us, it was after school and all 10 seventeen y.o still had on their hats! "I'm a yankee doodle dandee" is all I can think of!

So other funny things...they are obsessed backing into parking spots and parallel parking, seriously national pastimes! There are signs that forbid it and the usual rule following aussie goes ahead and backs in anyway, it is like their DNA wont let them park nose in!

You can not turn on the "tele" without someone playing and or talking about cricket or Rugby, most channels are devoted to this entirely, must get slingbox ASAP! Shows change on the half hour not the hour. For now that is all I can figure out? Oprah from 2007 was on a few days ago. 

Other obsessions: Tunnels (to the delight of the boys) and charging INSANE amounts to use the "motorways" after just 10 days of paying tolls I expect they will be renaming the Harbour Tunnell something with the name Medor in it!

Something that is not an obsession, large street signs and labeling freeways/streets in a manner similar to maps/GPS.

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