Monday, June 6, 2011

The things you do for love babies, the little men, the punkins, my reason for breathing, also the reason I look like I need to attend a good Botox and Restalyne party but nonetheless... I would do just about anything to make them happy, including driving to a flea market in F*in Flemington to see Bob The F*in Builder. I hate flea markets, I hate driving to Flemington (by Sydney Olympic Park). I've got nothing against Bob The Builder but I would rather have to organize a ride to the moon than have to drive ALL THE WAY out there. How then did I end up in this situation? I thought Bob would be gracious enough to perform at Paddys Market Haymarket, then I could stroll around our beautiful city after his 30 minute performance, maybe have a little Yum Cha and a short drive home and the whole gang is happy. Well, Bob chose Flemington and we were already committed. 

So there we were on a glorious Sunday in the car on our way to a flea market in Flemington. The funniest part about this whole awful morning(aside from the attached picture) was the boys could have cared less about their hero Bob The Builder, they said it was Bob's Dad on stage and were therefore unimpressed. CM begged to go home from the first song. To add to our travel woes, there was some kind of domestic issue(very un Australian to be engaged in conflict publicly) in the parking lot, perhaps over a coveted spot, someone gave a lady a black eye, and the police scene that ensued mucked up the whole garage. The garage itself was something to remark on as it was very very Australian. There were no elevators so all parents with prams had to walk the car ramp alongside moving cars packed with families desperate to park so they too could catch a glimpse of Bob or Dora or buy a new sexy nurse outfit or Rolex, you know, whatever floats your boat you can find at Paddys Market.    
This was the car parked beside us. We are trying to work how we can rig one of these up properly in our car. Yes, yes, it is a rooster and friends(maybe a sheep, maybe a bird) in a fancy rooster bassinet or rooster canoe. If this does not make you LOL your laugher is dead.


  1. So funny! You gotta wonder what makes people rig up something like that. We were at the Olympic Park on Sunday riding bikes. What were we thinking when we could've been seeing Bob the Builder?!
