Monday, November 7, 2011

A Spanish Buzz and THE REAL Buzz

Ahhh you thought this was a drinking post? It is a Happy Halloween post so of course there was a bit of that, but that is not the main subject.

We had a great and simple no fuss Halloween. In my opinion, there are a lot of of positives to the simple way Halloween goes down here in Oz. The costumes are very basic, usually picked by the kid and created by the kid. There is zero costume pressure, none of this expensive or labor intensive costume madness that sometimes consumes us in the States. At $4 a costume ours may have been the most expensive and elaborate on the block. These costumes were the kind that used to make me feel bad for the kid wearing it, you know I would think, "oh their Mom does not have time/or money to get them a good costume how sad." How stupid of me! My kids LOVED their cheap costumes. They really thought they were Buzz Lightyear and Spanish Buzz Lightyear. The only people giving out candy are the people who really want to do it, so they are super cheery and engaged. Not every house gives out candy so there is a bit of a hunt to it. And it is over pretty quickly, but who has ever eaten all of their candy and how long do you really need to trick or treat?

So about A Spanish Buzz and THE REAL BUZZ LIGHTYEAR. CM really wanted to be Slinky The Dog for Halloween. Although making his dreams come true is top on my list, I knew this would be a stretch, literally and figuratively.
slinky dog
Then at the last minute(5 minutes before trick or treat) he wanted to be Jesse. Despite the fairly obvious problem of dressing a 3 y.o in drag, and the obvious personality differences, he hates wearing jeans and tight things and hats so this costume was out before it was in.
Jessie Wallpaper - jessie-toy-story wallpaper
What became clear to CM's Daddy was that he did not want to be the exact same thing as CH. For some reason they both think that CH is the REAL Buzz Lightyear. It could have something to do with CH"s dead on impression of the Buzz stance. So in a brilliant parenting move, LK took a page from Toy Story 3 and CM was Spanish Buzz. If you have seen the movie you see the genius, if not you just think we are crazy.
The Buzz Lightyear Signature Stance

Discovering all his buttons!

Is it just me or does he look a little bit like and Ewok?

The stance made it's appearance all night.

More of The Stance. 

A little pre-game hesitation on buying into being Spanish Buzz to get candy.

On discovering that yes, I said trick or treat and thank you
and now I am the owner of new candy!
Is this real life? What's the catch?

Still amazed, almost paralyzed with the realization that this is REAL LIFE!
 But CH getting something I need?

White Chocky is a no go!

Yes, this is how some people gave out their "lollies." In the States I would have said, "H No my kids are not eating from that," here, "take two kids!" 
I will say we all went down with a bit of yuck after Halloween.
Brotha, we have got it made. La Dolce Vida!

Brotha, Is it possible we gave it too much gusto and ummph initially and burned out too quickly?
Answer: YES

The man who does not eat chocky is still going strong

Contemplating how his strategy of eat everything he received may have failed him.

We ended the night with post game pizza at Rosso Cavalino, the best pizza in our hood in my opine!


  1. Love these photos! Love the Buzz and Spanish Buzz idea. The look on Spanish Buzz's face after eating too much choco is classic. Glad you all had a Happy Halloween!

  2. Looks like both events were successful. The boys looked so cute in their Buzz Lightyear costumes. Of couse, I did recognize that CM was Spanish Buzz Lightyear. Love the progression of CM throughout the evening. CH certainly has the "stance" down pat. Love and miss those lil punkins!

  3. Aunt Carol (and Uncle Jack)November 8, 2011 at 4:53 AM

    Wow! You take the greatest pictures! Buzz and Spanish Buzz are beyond adorable--no I am not in the least prejudiced. Miss you all.
