Sunday, December 26, 2010

I Intend to Dine

The Marriott offered a very popular Christmas Day buffet for $200/head not inclusive of alcohol. It was so popular that they put tables in the lobby, right by the pool so that as you were leaving the pool you had to walk through these very lovely tables and people dressed in their finest to reach the elevators. We did not partake in the buffet but we did junk up the joint by having to pass through on our way from the pool to the elevator. After enjoying the $200/head Christmas buffet some families wanted to have a drink in the bar. Well, you can only down that dirty martini if your “intent is to dine” we watched a very nice family complete with Grandma get turned down for service b/c they had no intention of dining in the bar, probably since they were quite satisfied from the $200/head meal they just had. I asked our waitress about it and this is a quote, “Well Australia being a Christian country and all and it is Christmas and all so you can not just go out and get wasted and all, it is a liquor licensce issue and all.” I asked her about the 4 blokes that had been at the bar for hours and had 4 beers in front of each mate at all times and she said, “oh we have been making them order a meal every 2 hours.” At the cost of about $25/meal plus 15% surcharge. Nice. I have at times wanted to enjoy a casual drink with friends and conversation and at other times I have wanted to get wasted and really let my hair down. I have to say the Marriott Hotel bar is not my party hardy first choice but what do I know? and all.

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