Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Red Sky Tonight or The Cowds R Pink

Sometimes I feel like blogging. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I feel like blogging but the angel on my shoulder says clean up this pig sty. Then sometimes the devil wins and I sit with lunch boxes in the sink, laundry piling up and surrounded by what looks like a Toys R Us post-natural disaster. Today is one such day and the devil in charge of domestic maintenance has won.

I won't show you a pic of my house. Too embarrassing and what goes online stays online for eternity. I will show you the sky last week in all of it's glory. The boys came running in around dusk to tell me the clouds had turned pink! I love how the colors change, the lighter ones are to the East towards the ocean the darker ones were to the South as time progressed. I am curious to know...which is your favorite?



  1. Aunt Carol (and Uncle Jack)November 23, 2011 at 5:45 AM

    Wow! How can one choose. They are all so beautiful; love the colors--and those 2 gorgeous boys!

  2. Love all the pics of the clouds, but the third picture in the series is my favorite.

  3. We took photos on what must have been the same evening - gorgeous. Can you see the water when it looks pink too? Love it!
