Friday, September 9, 2011

My celebrity blog followers

Aunt C and Uncle J,
 LK hit the Aunty and Uncle lottery with these two! They are so wonderful! And...she claims she is one of my blog's biggest fans! She was also the first of M's family to EVER  comment on the blog!

We were lucky enough to make the quick little 7487 mile, 14+hr, journey back to the promised land for a much needed trip home. It had been almost a full year since we left and that is just a wee bit too long!   The really lucky part was getting to see friends and family. The other really lucky parts were the shopping and massive amounts of Mexican food eating. 

The amazing looks/acts 15 yrs younger
than her age
Aunt F.
Seeing family and friends and having them mention stuff I put on the blog was an odd reminder that occasionally someone actually does read and according to them, enjoy this blog. I promised them I would make them all stars, BIG BIG stars, for their continued support! In exchange for all of this free publicity and fame, they have agreed to actually post comments. (you thought I forgot your end of the deal, huh? oh no...) Aunt C has already held up her end of the bargain which is why she is top billing! For everyone else the order is just the order in which I took the pics! Maybe next visit you can flatter your way to the top?

The groom

The beautiful bride.
The boys thought the chairs said their names,
lucky for them I did not name them both San Juan!
The amazing, wonderful, now has the internet, GI. 
please note I am not wearing a side pony
or worse some sort of side french twist
just a bit of couture styling courtesy of the wind

The Super Fun Uncle B.
Gma S and the best book evah! 
Which she reads tirelessly!

The heroic Paaaa Paaaa!

The Dairy Queen and King! We should 
all be so lucky to have and Aunt and Uncle
like these two!

The Amazing Momo!
They do not make women like Momo anymore.
They should. The world would be a MUCH better place.
I could do a whole Momo post but then everyone
would be WAAAY jealous of my awesome Mom! 
Two very very special guys! I could also do a whole post about my
AWESOME Dad, but then people would really really hate me!
This picture makes me smile from ear to ear!
It should be said it was NOT Big Daddy's idea to sit on the stationary not so very fun bench
 in lieu of a fancy carousel horse. That was all little man. Drum on little man!
It can not be confirmed that anyone in this picture actually reads the blog!
The ones who can read have sworn to change the errant ways!
It can be confirmed they are all members of MY FAVORITE PEOPLE club!
Our BFF charms have been around a loooooong time! Since preschool! Believe it!
She may turn her charm in after she sees I posted a pic of her in a swimmy
4 days before she had her baby(I know, I know,  you can not even tell she is preggo).
She is always 110% GORGEOUS to me!
The thrill of my trip was meeting her baby girl 3 days after she was born!
 I am kicking myself for not getting pics of baby B!
Hopefully, the next generation of life long BFF's.

Blog reading status on the C family can not be confirmed or denied!
But, as card carrying members of MY FAVORITE PEOPLE CLUB,
they get free pics on the blog!
It sure is nice to have such gorgeous family members to post pics of!

This post has made me miss EVERYBODY! 

Can't wait to see you ALL again soon!


  1. Allison,

    This was a great blog--you have pictures of everyone--how perfect--what a treat--we all miss you TERRIBLY, also!

  2. So glad you had a wonderful trip. Love the dress you picked for the wedding. Great photos- love the one of the boys listening to the book (especially C cuddling the teddy- too cute). Am I your #1 commenter? That's my goal. Miss you!

  3. Glad that you clarified the wedding wind do.

    I was wondering if the banana clip was back!

    x :) a

  4. This is my favorite post ever!! I loved all your sweet comments about the families. We all miss you terribly. I will speak for our entire family since I think I'm the only one who comments!

  5. What a fun post! Great to see pics of all of you!

  6. What a beautiful post! The pictures were great and we miss you too! David still quotes "I NEEEED it"! Here is confirmation I read your blogs. I then translate to the rest of the C family.
